Cities Guide for the Southern Oregon Coast

Welcome To Lakeside
A Little About Our Town of Lakeside!

Situated along Ten Miles Lakes about 10 miles north of the Coos Bay/North Bend area on the southern Oregon coast, Lakeside is a popular summertime and retirement destination. There are limited services, including a motel, RV parks, supermarket, cafes and marinas. Public campgrounds are nearby. The lake, noted for its prize bass and other angling opportunities, is actually two lakes, connected by a channel, with many private homes along the shores. It’s also popular with waterskiers and personal watercraft users.

The town’s main event is the 4th of July celebration, with fireworks over the lake. Coos Bay Yachat Club members race sailboats on summer weekends.

Lakeside's history is bound to Ten Mile Lakes. The two lakes served as the means of trade and communications. Their waters made the development of farms and homes possible. 

It can now be definitely established where the name "Ten Mile Lakes" originated. One account tells of an Indian called "Ten Mile Tom", who in about 1850, built the first permanent cabin in what is now Lakeside near the present Lakeshore Lodge. His name came from his habit of replying, when asked how far it was to any place, "Oh, about Ten Miles". In time his nickname was transferred to the lakes. 

The Indians would hunt by day on the Black Creek Arm of the North Ten Mile Lake (known as Black's Arm), but would not camp overnight. They believed evil spirits lived in the dark waters and that these spirits would roam the land looking for humans to carry to their watery homes. Even today, with the narrowness of the arm, the tall hills on either side, and the remaining trees, the arm's waters are fairly dark. 

A former Kentuckian, Peter Jordan, had a hunting and trapping line in the area. he built a hunting cabin at the head of the Blacks Arm in the late 1850's or early 1860's. 

Pioneer life was hard in this area. Forests provided material for building and fuel. it was said that building farms in the Coast range was second only to the "stony" farms of New England.

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